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48 PCB007 MAGAZINE I DECEMBER 2022 Feature Article by Shawn DuBravac IPC INTERNATIONAL Editor's Note: IPC Chief Economist Shawn Dubravac will deliver a keynote address titled "What's New in Tech: e Micro Trends Defin- ing the Future of Electronics," at noon Jan. 23. Advance/separate registration required if lun- cheon is not included in registration package. Technology is playing an ever-expand- ing role in every industry, from agriculture and healthcare to transportation. Each year, new concepts, prototypes, and product intro- ductions are redefining what we know and expanding our imaginations about what's pos- sible. How we experience the next decade as well as how we live, work, and play over time will be undeniably linked to technology devel- opments. ese innovations also have impor- tant implications for the future of electronics manufacturing. Here are a few areas to watch. Innovation in Sustainable Materials As the world grapples with issues like cli- mate change, consumers and manufacturers are increasingly looking for ways to reduce environmental impact. is has led to a focus on fostering innovation in sustainable materi- als, renewable energy sources, and recyclable components. One example is CarbonX, a new carbon material composed of nano-sized car- bon filaments that could help tire makers meet the increasing demand for sustainability. Technology will play a pivotal role in this transformation and one sector set to see Shawn Dubravac: WHAT'S NEW IN TECH Shawn DuBravac