PCB007 Magazine


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82 PCB007 MAGAZINE I DECEMBER 2022 into everything that IPC does. To help celebrate the success stories of IPC members, IPC turned to its new IPC Publishing Group ( I- Connect007) to co ordinate ef f or t s. "It only made sense to partner with I-Connect007, and it's been fabulous so far," he says. "is partnership is what has allowed us to create the magazine, and it's been a pleasure to work together." Both IPC and I-Connect007 understand that it's the members, and readers, that make every effort vital to moving forward. "It's our members that make IPC so strong," Knier says. "We need to celebrate them, and for us to feel more connected to the very peo- ple who keep us going, who make all of this happen. When our members are successful, it helps others to be successful." In just one example, Teresa Rowe, senior director of assembly and standards technol- ogy, was bursting with pride as she related the cake celebration for one of her volunteer com- mittees aer three years of review before their standard was finally published. ese com- mittee members devoted many hours debat- ing over the finer points of IPC/WHMA-A- 620C [standard is now on E revision] before finally deciding it was ready to be published. It was the penultimate ending to some really important work. In each issue of IPC Commu- nity, we will continue to share success stories like these between IPC and its members. I'm sure you'll have some of your own. But that's not all the I P C C o m m u n i t y w i l l share. e IPC team knew a n e x t r e m e l y v a l u ab l e resource would be content that directly affects the financial health and well-being of IPC members. To that end, each issue will fea- ture an exclusive market repor t from Shawn DuBravac, IPC chief economist. Shawn will research and write this content exclusively for IPC members which may be crucial to your bottom line—right now. "is will be 'must read' content that has a direct market impact," Knier says. "It will be timely and relevant. We know this will be of high value and will be something you'll be looking for in every issue. So, please, give us feedback. Let us know if this is something you want." At my core, I'm a storyteller, and I believe that no matter where you go in life, there are great stories to be told. What's your story? What will you share with us? How will you help us celebrate your success? What can you share that might inspire someone else also working to stay competitive in this ever-changing, fast- paced industry? I'm excited to manage this new publication, so please don't hesitate to reach out with story ideas or to provide feedback aer we launch the first issue. e magazine launches during the week of IPC APEX EXPO 2023 in both a digital and printed format. To subscribe to IPC Community, click here. is is something definitely not to be missed! To learn more about advertising opportunities, contact Barb Hockaday. Download the media kit here. PCB007 Michelle Te is managing editor of IPC Community and columnist coordinator at I-Connect007.

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