PCB007 Magazine


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42 PCB007 MAGAZINE I FEBRUARY 2023 looking for fresh insight for students heading into careers in the manufacturing space. IPC solicits experts in their fields to provide exper- tise regarding industry standards. Don't hesi- tate to get involved; you could make the next change in the industry. Conclusion Volunteering within this industry is neces- sary to keep it growing. Volunteering spreads ideas, contributes to new developments, and inspires today's youth to become more than they might believe they can. Volunteering is for everyone, both the overqualified and underqualified. Everyone who volunteers is capable of learning more about their career and themselves as mentors. Maybe it's time to consider volunteering as part of your plan this year. PCB007 Hannah Nelson is a student at Valparaiso University, and a member of the IPC Emerging Engineer Program. To read past columns, click here. will help you determine whether you are long- ing to put your effort into volunteering. 2. Where do you want to volunteer? e next step to setting up your post-show plan is to figure out where you are drawn to volunteer. Is there a specific area that you are interested in placing your time? Standards? STEM advocacy? Or is there something else? 3. How will you change the future? Are you looking to volunteer for selfish rea- sons, or do you truly want to make a difference in your community? Before you volunteer, think about the time you set aside for the orga- nization and prepare some ideas to help cre- ate a change within that organization. Our life experiences can be incredibly vital in helping us form a new perspective toward volunteer- ing, so don't be afraid to speak up. You will get out of volunteering what you put into it. How to Volunteer Reach out. Many organizations are yearn- ing for new expertise to enter the discus- sion. e IPC Education Foundation is always by Andy Shaughnessy IPC APEX EXPO 2023 is over, and I think it was a successful show no matter how you slice it. There was barely a break in traffic on the show floor on Tuesday and Wednesday, and even on Thursday I saw people sprinting to close one more deal. Some committee meetings had nearly 200 participants; the meetings I sat in on were anything but boring. These people are pas- sionate about their work, and they voted for changes in standards by waving green cards, like they were at a crazy auction Almost everyone I spoke with was upbeat; the tech layoffs and inflation were barely mentioned during the show. Many companies are having a fantastic year. And we all enjoyed being able to talk face-to-face without N95 masks this year. The Professional Development and Technical Conference classes were well attended. I spoke with a few dozen class attendees, and I was sur- prised at how much of the fabrication and assem- bly content focused partially on the PCB designer's needs. One of my favorite parts of the show was getting to play guitar almost every day with my cohorts, Managing Editor Nolan Johnson, Technical Edi- tor Dan Feinberg, and columnist Kelly Dack. We only play together once a year, but we've found about 10 songs that work really well. IPC APEX EXPO Wrap-up

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