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60 PCB007 MAGAZINE I FEBRUARY 2023 Interview by Dan Beaulieu D.B. MANAGEMENT GROUP I have always felt that automation has the potential to make a big difference in our PCB industry, especially domestically, where labor is at a premium. Only a few short years ago, Multicircuits in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, was con- sidered a "plain vanilla" PCB fabricator hold- ing its own in our industry; now it has sud- denly assumed a true leadership position in the industry in terms of capability, technology, operations, and profitability. How did this hap- pen? You guessed it: Automation was one of the most significant factors in shaping Multi- circuits into the company it is today. is is not only the story of how they did it, but an incredible partnership between a sup- plier (a rep), and a customer. Mike iel, direc- tor of operations, and Jeff Brandman, owner of The Automated Future of PCB Fabrication the TFE and rep/agent for Technosystem of Spain, played key roles in the success of auto- mating this company. Thanks for taking the time to talk with me today. The story of your partnership and what you have accomplished over the past few years can serve as a real source of inspiration to other companies by showing them where they should be going in the future. Mike, can you tell us something about yourself? What is your background? Mike iel: My background is in computer science and operations. I was hired at Multi- circuits in 1991, immediately aer graduat- ing from UW Oshkosh, to write our ERP so- A Wise dry film stripper with Technosystems automation.