IPC Community


IPC International Community magazine an association member publication

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Contents of this Issue


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IPC COMMUNITY 94 SPRING 2023 event in Hungary in late March. To continue to shine the spotlight on both workforce devel- opment training needs across Europe and the importance of assembly standards in the man- ufacturing process, one of the top attractions at each event was a hand-soldering competi- tion and the crowning of regional champions, who will all compete in the HSC World Finals at productronica in November. While IPC will continue participating in multi- ple trade shows, our core focus areas from April to June will be on advocacy-related events. We will be hosting private summits with European PCB manufacturers in Brussels and UK EMS companies in London; these are executive net- working events, which help to unify industry voices around a targeted and unique set of challenges faced by our members. In addition, the combined forces of our global government relations team, global solu- tions team, and European regional team will play host to our first European workshop on "silicon to systems." This event is being devel- oped in response to a direct request by many of our European members—who attended IPC's Advanced Packaging Symposium in Washing- ton, D.C., last October and the technical con- ference at IPC APEX EXPO 2023 in January— and walked away with the sentiment that IPC is positioned to do more to "advance the Euro- pean electronics industry." India By Gaurab Majumdar, Executive Director of IPC India In February, IPC organized technical work- shops and industry networking in the states of Uttarakhand and Andhra Pradesh, to start stan- dards development activities in India. These workshops were conducted to assist engineers in understanding the design and manufactur- ing process of IPC products and how to use the latest technologies to improve efficiency. They also provided the opportunity to discuss best practices and troubleshoot any problems they may have encountered. The cities of Rudrapur and Pantnagar, both in Uttarakhand, one of India's major automo-

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