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44 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2023 tal NGOs, labor representatives, ecolabels, and governmental agencies. Members of CEPN recognize that process chemical management is an industry-wide issue and, given the complexity of electronics manufacturing supply chains, no single com- pany or organization can tackle the issue of worker exposure to process chemicals alone; success requires the collective efforts of indus- try leaders. Suppliers serve multiple custom- ers, for example, and major companies share many suppliers. Only by working together can companies move toward zero exposure of workers to toxic chemicals. Protecting work- ers from exposure to hazardous chemicals is a complex, global issue which stretches through- out a supply chain that is shared and globally distributed. Early in the formation of CEPN, members recognized the need to focus on process chem- icals in the electronics industry, as much of the attention to-date—regulations, ecolabels, standards, voluntary efforts, etc.—had been on product chemicals (those chemicals incor- porated into final products). Hence, CEPN's primary focus is on reducing exposure to pro- cess chemicals, those chemicals used dur- ing product manufacturing and the mainte- nance of related production equipment but are not intentionally fully incorporated into the final product. Examples of process chemicals include cleaning agents, solvents, lubricants, photochemicals, plating agents, refrigerants, hydraulic fluids, adhesives, inks, and coatings, among others. CEPN welcomes new participants from across the supply chain who are leaders, inno- vators, and collaborators, as well as experts in their part of the supply chain, and are commit- ted to the goal of CEPN—moving toward zero exposure of workers to toxic chemicals in the electronics manufacturing process. Tools and Resources CEPN members have developed publicly available tools and resources to support com- panies working to move toward zero exposure of workers to toxic chemicals in electronics manufacturing. Fin ding saf er alter nat i ves: CEPN is providing a single hub of up-to-date lists from organi- zations certifying safer manu- facturing cleaning products and accepted substances for the electronics industry. Process chemicals data col- lection (PCDC) tool: CEPN members developed, piloted, and are now using this free and publicly available standardized reporting tool that improves the task of col- lecting and managing process chemicals data. Network members invite all companies in the electronics industry to use the PCDC Tool. Figure 1: Points of potential chemical exposure. The CEPN scope indicated by brackets.

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