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46 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2023 backed by the credibility of industry leaders and NGOs. By participating in the program, companies join a forum of leaders to commu- nicate and receive recognition for the work they do to protect workers from hazardous process chemicals. Toward Zero Exposure signatories pledge to take action in six areas as shown in Figure 2. To learn about the first year of the Toward Zero Exposure program, see the first annual report, showcasing the impact the program has already had, as well as plans for more prog- ress protecting workers from exposure to haz- ardous process chemicals in the electronics supply chain. Toward Zero Exposure welcomes all compa- nies in the electronics supply chain, regardless of CEPN membership, and aims to foster a col- lective effort to eliminate exposure to harmful substances. Committing to protect workers is the right thing to do, while also building value for companies through reputation, market dif- ferentiation, and competitive advantage. Learn more at cleanelectronicsproduction. org. To become a signatory, send an email to SMT007 References 1. Report of the Special Rapporteur on the implica- tions of human rights of the environmentally sound management and disposal of hazardous substances and wastes, U.N. General Assembly's Human Rights Council. Pamela Brody-Heine is senior director of the Clean Electronics Production Network. Figure 2: The pledge to take action made by TZE signatories.

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