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48 SMT007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2023 Feature Q&A With Matt Kelly As expected, the U.S. Department of Com- merce is actively administering the $53 billion of funding in the CHIPS Act. A key commit- tee in this process is the CHIPS Act Industrial Advisory Committee (IAC). IPC Vice Presi- dent and Chief Technology Officer Matt Kelly offered a printed circuit board and system- wide perspective to the IAC, part of the ongo- ing advocacy efforts being undertaken by IPC and other organizations, and later answered some questions about what he presented and how it was received. You recently made a presen- tation to the CHIPS Act Indus- trial Advisory Committee. How does this group fit into the CHIPS Act administration? Matt Kelly: It's best to share it straight from the Indus- tr ial Advisor y Committee at 1 : " The Industr ial Advisor y Committee was established by Congress in the William M. (Mac) ornberry National Defense Autho- rization Act of 2021 (FY 2021 NDAA). e committee will provide advice on the science and technology needs of the nation's domes- tic microelectronics industry, the national strategy on microelectronics research, the research and development programs and other advanced microelectronics activities funded through CHIPS for America, and opportuni- ties for new public-private partnerships. "e committee comprises leaders from a broad range of disciplines in the microelectronics field, including academia, the semi- conductor industry, federal laboratories and other areas." 1 Your message to the IAC hinged on two key ideas: getting the Problem State- ment right and deciding what the true objective is for the CHIPS Act. Could you walk us through the problem statement? CHIPS Act Priorities

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