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76 SMT007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2023 Like many other conferences, subjects are grouped into technical tracks. What are the technical tracks at SMTAI and what types of presentations can we expect in each track? Aspandiar: ere are nine tracks, 30 sessions, and 11 Professional Development Courses. Figure 1 shows the current distributions of tracks, sessions, and presentations. Julie Silk: Reliable electronics are a focus from different angles for several of the tracks. e High Performance and Reliability track cov- ers electronics used in harsh environments with temperature extremes and mechanical stresses, such as automotive and military uses. e Medical and Defense track includes papers on the importance of cleanliness and process control. e Interconnect Reliability and Research track takes a deep dive into solder alloy studies and includes design considerations. e Low Temperature Solder track has reli- ability studies for solders which melt below 200°C. ese have a reputation for brittleness and new research covers improvements and advantages. Papers on surface finishes, protective coat- ings, thermal interface materials, adhesives, and more are included in the Materials for Electronics track. e Test and Inspection track covers test methods for wafers, flux residues, compo- nents, and solder joints, plus failure analysis and the use of artificial intelligence. AI use and data analytics are themes in the Manufacturing Excellence track, which includes papers on improving control and quality throughout a multitude of manufactur- ing processes. Advancements in component manufactur- ing, such as wafer bonding, attach processes, filling materials, and thermal interfaces are covered in the Advanced Packaging Technol- ogy track. Our industry is experiencing a technical evolution: the adoption of artificial intelli- gence, the proliferation of electric vehicles, big data, IoT, and 3D printing, to name a few. What presentations stand out as representing evolutionary technology? Silk: New technologies and electronics in "everything" put pressure on manufacturing to up their game, to push the boundaries of what is achievable in mass production. e MFX track has several papers that demonstrate the use of data analytics and AI to improve manu- facturing. at is, not just the theoretical appli- cation, but real-life examples. Aspandiar: One Professional Development Course titled "Artificial Intelligence, Opportu- nities, Challenges, and Possibilities" stands out as topical. What particular presentations, either based on revolutionary/evolutionary or legacy tech- nology, stand out in your minds? Aspandiar: ere are quite a few presenta- tions in the technical program on recent inno- vative and evolutionary developments. ese include new thermal interface materials in the APT track, low temperature solder metallur- Raiyo Aspandiar

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