Technical Conference Program
*Schedule subject to change. Check event website
for latest details:
HPR1: Hardware Ruggedization for
Extreme Environments I
Monday, October 9
1:30–3:00 p.m. CDT
Chair: Mike Bixenman, DBA, MBA, Magnalytix LLC
"Comparative study of Lead-free Solder Materials
for Power Module Packaging Assembly"
Tyler Richmond, Hongwen Zhang, Ph.D., Francis
Mutuku, Jie Geng, Huaguang Wang, and Kyle
Aserian, Indium Corporation
"Managing Thermomechanical Behaviour in
Automotive Electronics"
Presenter: Maurice Dore, Valeo
"Utilizing SIR and Analytical Tools to Determine
Impact to Reliability for Process Improvements"
Presenter: Denis Barbini, Ph.D., ZESTRON
Corporation; Jamie Boutwell, Cirtronics
Monday, October 9
1:30–3:00 p.m. CDT
"Cleaning In the High Reliability World:
The Hidden Cost of Cleaning PCBs"
Presenter: Bill Capen, Honeywell FM&T
"Engineering Curiosity and Why it is a Must for
Mission Critical Manufacturing"
Presenter: Adam Klett, L3Harris
"Mechanical Energy, Cleaning Solution, and
Rinse: The three main ingredients to cleaning of
circuit boards"
Presenter: Bill Capen, Honeywell FM&T
Women's Leadership Program:
Invited Presentations
Monday, October 9
1:30–3:45 p.m. CDT
Chairs: Amanda Brawthen, John Deere Electronic
Solutions; Marie Cole, formerly with IBM Corpora-
tion. Free for all attendees. (See page 80).
PDC 1: Artificial Intelligence—Opportuni-
ties, Challenges and Possibilities
Monday, October 9
1:30–5:00 p.m. CDT
Instructors: Jennie Hwang, Ph.D., H-Technologies
Group; George Karniadakis, Ph.D., Brown
University and MIT
PDC 2: Weeding Out PCB Fabrication
Defects Before Assembly
Monday, October 9
1:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. CDT
Instructor: Bihari Patel, BP SMT Connections Inc
PDC 3: Assembly- Best Practices for
Improving Manufacturing Productivity
Monday, October 9
1:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. CDT
Instructors: Phil Zarrow and Jim Hall,
ITM Consulting
Technical Conference Program