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32 PCB007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2023 the substrate manufac- turer, the OSAT manu- facturer, and the assem- bly manufacturers. With every stakeholder in the value chain, you adjust to each design rule. e result is always the low- est common ground and compromising on your performance needs. We offer to the customer everything in one place, starting from engineer- ing. ey get the com- plete solution. We are going to the highest com- mon ground, not the low- est. We give them max- imum flexibility on design, and the develop- ment cost is much more efficient and faster. In PCB fab, we give them the proof of con- cept and small- to mid-volume production solutions. But we can also take them to mass production, if not in Israel, then with our busi- ness partner in the Far East, depending upon the industry. We always maintain responsi- bility for the technology, quality, and supply chain, all the way to the customer. It's been eight months since we opened iNPACK, and we have many projects. Some of them will convert into multimillion-dollar recurring businesses. e first orders have more Non-recurring Engineering (NRE); we design for the customers. But we do under- stand that down the road, recurrent produc- tion also means lower cost with optimal tech- nique. is was the strategy we put together. Nolan Johnson: PCB Technologies started a separate company to handle advanced packaging. Does that also imply a different facility? We have a relatively big campus with a dedi- cated production area. It is a different produc- tion line setup compared to PCB or assembly. Registration is one of the larger causes of fail- ure on the PCB, Every- thing that involves multi- layer and sub-lamination always has the risk of poor registration. at creates shorts or other quality issues. So, we came back to the drawing board with what we learned. I joined aer the larg- est private equity fund in Israel acquired the com- pany. We had a favor- able cash situation and decided to invest the cap- ital in technologies that would serve miniaturiza- tion, heat dissipation, and registration. at's when we built a strategy of all-in-one. You can have a PCB shop, an assembly service, and advanced packaging of multi-chip modules or SIP (system in package). So, we upgraded the PCB shop to PCB-like substrates. Today, we can go for a pitch of 50 microns, line/space of 25/25, or 20/30. We create a unique design of organic sub- strates by integrating copper-moly-copper. We give them a solution for heat dissipation and heat management in combination with min- iaturization. en, we add to the substrate all our capabilities in PCBs. We know how to combine rigid and rigid- flex, HDMI, sequential lamination, and ther- mal management solutions we use on PCBs are now incorporated into the substrate pro- duction line. Launching our new packaging solutions company, iNPACK, back in January meant we could offer the customer an A-to-Z solution: the PCB substrate, packaging, and assembly of the model to box building or subsystem. Today, if you want to develop a subsystem, it will take two to three years because you need to manage different stakeholders: the PCB fab, Oved Shapira

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