PCB007 Magazine


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56 PCB007 MAGAZINE I NOVEMBER 2023 going in that direction is where the success of this act comes from: investing in both the building and the buying. Where does the PCB Act stand now? A markup on this bill has not yet been sched- uled, but I am working diligently in the mean- time to garner more support for this important effort. PCB007 References 1. "Leadership Lost: Rebuilding the U.S. Electron- ics Supply Chain," by Joe O'Neil, ipc.org. Preeya Kuray, PhD, is a material scientist at AGC Multi Material America. To read previous columns, click here. Progressing Toward a Factory 5.0 Future ment in the infrastructure. e general fund will go to building in the equipment, invest- ing in workforce, and getting other infrastruc- ture in place. en it will be directed toward incentivizing buying. ere will be tax incen- tives for those that are purchasing from U.S. PCB manufacturers. When you look at that opportunity for a tax incentive for a broader potential customer base, there is real poten- tial. For example, a company in my district needs more workforce for the volume of work that they can do. If the government incentiv- izes more customers, we can grow those busi- nesses more quickly. ey already have the factories and facilities that are needed to scale more quickly. All things being equal, people would purchase from a U.S. manufacturer, so to what extent can we achieve economic growth through tax incentives? Ultimately, Aidan Salvi, chief transformation officer, updates Nolan Johnson on the modernization activity underway at Amitron. The company has added 62 different pieces of new equipment on their production floor, and Aidan shares details on what that means for Amitron's production capabilities, data management, and progress toward a Factory 5.0 future.

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