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62 PCB007 MAGAZINE I NOVEMBER 2023 Imagine you've just graduated college and are off to start a career at an electronics man- ufacturer. Week one is filled with meeting the team, orienting your way around the floor, and learning the general flow of PCB manu- facturing. Wow, there are so many steps! e next week is off to a similar start but with a team meeting to review a new part. Suddenly, the friendly team you met is speaking what sounds like a foreign language. Words are thrown around, such as buried vias, 370HR, back drill, and routed plated edges. None of these terms were taught during the college education you've just completed. en, an Teach the Terminology overwhelming feeling kicks in, and you won- der if you will ever learn to speak this new language as fluently as your team. ere is oen a similar disconnect between employers looking for qualified graduates and eager graduates in search of a career. A higher education cannot begin to teach the dictionary used in each industry a student may join. So, how is this terminology gap better bridged for the success of all parties involved? Fortunately, there are several initiatives that may be taken by a company to reduce the time it takes for an employee to learn the necessary terminology required for job performance. The New Chapter by Paige Fiet, TTM-LOGAN