PCB007 Magazine


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26 PCB007 MAGAZINE I NOVEMBER 2023 but in the information, insights, and actions derived from its analysis. Without capturing that data, it is not possible to derive the infor- mation required to make decisions that will improve products and processes. Most fabricators are collating data from their processes, however, many fail to realize the true potential of the data they collect due to various barriers and limitations: • Fragmented data • Duplicated data • Local variants of the same data • Difficulty in obtaining timely and accurate information • Data usage is mostly driven by management reports rather than manufacturing requirements Additionally, a silo mentality within orga- nizations, characterized by poor communica- tion between different processes and a focus on vertical rather than horizontal communi- cation, compounds these issues leading to lim- ited collaboration and information sharing. is can result in an under-utilization of tech- nology and engineering expertise. trol immediately for use throughout the man- ufacturing process chain. Very few companies will start a Smart manufacturing implementa- tion from nothing. e key will be understand- ing how to adapt existing systems, processes, and infrastructures to the requirements of the Smart factory. A step-by-step implementation focused on key aspects of manufacturing will allow the benefits to be realized. erefore, the smart manufacturing solutions imple- mented should be modular, scalable, and flex- ible. is approach allows businesses to estab- lish proof of concept, leverage existing equip- ment, and strengthen their infrastructure without the need for building entirely new factories. To embark on this journey success- fully, it is crucial to harness the power of data and transform it into actionable information and knowledge. The Importance of Data e foundation of a Smart factory is built with data, and most equipment used in PCB manufacturing processes either generates or uses data. While this data is a strategic business asset, the value of data lies not in the data itself Figure 1: Smart factory implementations can be approached one step at a time.

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