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JANUARY 2024 I SMT007 MAGAZINE 65 a PCB assembly operation needs both prototyping and high-volume production capac- ity. In that case, Hanwha offers innovative machinery and line solutions for building both mix and volume assembly simul- taneously on the same line of equipment (aka HMD2) which maximizes floor space perfor- mance and overall equipment effectiveness. Hanwha offers leading-edge technology solutions that help our customers sharpen their competitive edge with improved efficiency, productivity, and prof- itability solutions at the right time (now) in the right place (North America). North America seems to be driving the inno- vation, so tell me more about that. Why are we suddenly commanding so much attention? Obviously, the cost of labor in North America is high so the timing for more flexible, more scal- able, more efficient, more productive automa- tion is here and now. Automation is the key to leveling the global playing field for PCB assem- blers. North America is primed and already taking action by investing in technology solu- tions that are geared to leverage the human factor with machinery capable of dramatically making higher quality products in less time and space than ever before. e trend for North American PCB assem- bly operations is reshoring and insourcing, and no longer offshoring and outsourcing. OEMs are carefully investing in NPI systems while aligning with strategic CM partners who mutu- ally recognize the opportunity to invest, wisely going forward in state-of-the-art automation solutions that lock and secure PCB assembly in North America for many years to come. With the U.S. positioned as the largest untapped market for this sort of automation, let's take it down to some specific features. How is Hanwha equipment prepared to deliver on that need? H a n w h a o f f e r s s c a l a b l e machinery and soware solu- tions that address a broad range of SMT and mixed tech- nology applications for PCB assemblers. ese include sys- tems optimized for high-pre- cision chip shooting, flexible mounting , multif unctional mounting, odd-form, and large board applications in single- and dual-lane configurations. Multifunction and odd-form variants support gripper nozzle technology and offer industry-leading inser- tion force ranges. To support these systems, Hanwha offers a broad array of feeder solutions for tape including cut/strip tape, tubes includ- ing stack-stick, trays including modular direct tray feeding, multi-part number bulk feeders, and radial/axial THT feeders with integrated lead-cutting and forming capabilities. S o f t w a r e - w i s e , Ha n w h a e x c e l s w i t h solutions for single-machine lines, multi- machine lines, multi-lines, and multi-opera- tion scenarios including compatibility with third-party soware solutions. From offline programming to lot tracking with advanced traceability bundled with integrated intel- ligent setup verification and LCR, Hanwha has been successfully delivering this technol- ogy for many years. Within the same suite of soware designed and produced by Hanwha, equally powerful soware solutions are avail- able for production planning, defect predic- tion/prevention with integrated line monitor- ing, and maintenance management to maxi- mize efficiency, productivity, and profitability for PCB assemblers using Hanwha technology. Dual lane is a valuable feature because you can run high volume product on both lanes, then you can interrupt one lane for a short run prototype. Jonny Nichols

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