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APRIL 2024 I SMT007 MAGAZINE 51 Choose an experienced partner To ensure the journey is rewarding, it's im- portant to have an automation partner experi- enced in analyzing and examining your current processes to help you choose the best robotic and cell layout solutions. Working with a com- pany that has actually implemented full-scale automation and smart factory status into simi- lar companies is key in designing the solution that you desire. Clearly define your short-term and long-term visions Are you considering automation for certain purposes, such as lower operating costs, im- proved work safety, reduced factory lead times, increased production output, improved quali- ty, or achieving a smart factory environment? Understanding your short- and long-term goals will determine the level of hardware and so- ware tools that will be required to meet your goals and achieve a desired outcome. Align Your Goals With Your Budget to Execute an Automation Solution It takes a certain level of commitment as it relates to the investment of time and capital to implement a smart factory solution. How fast you begin to recognize your ROI will be based on a sound understanding of how to plan, cre- ate, and define the implementation. Evaluate the structure of your IT landscape Connectivity, tracking, controlling, and ana- lyzing are major parts of implementing a smart factory concept. Having an IT structure that can support the data journey is also important in achieving smart factory data management, factory intelligence, and material process con- trol. Implementation of tools on the shop floor, such as factory dashboards, advanced plan- ning, and scheduling, are outcomes of your data journey. Position yourself for the journey of benefitting from big data Gathering data is a benefit of adding automa- tion and connecting it to other equipment in the manufacturing process. Seamlessly sharing the collected data with enterprise soware (ERP, MRP, PLM, MES, MOM) is where meaningful data will be gained to better control your pro- cesses and improve productivity. Having the personnel and soware resources is important in recognizing the benefit of big data. 1 2 4 5 3 Find us online at: Since 1985, Technica, U.S.A. has been providing the electronics marketplace with innovative prod- ucts manufactured by the world's leading suppliers that provide our customers with technological advantages for producing complex electronic products.

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