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70 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I JULY 2024 Article by Anaya Vardya AMERICAN STANDARD CIRCUITS Ultra high-density interconnect (UHDI) technology has significant potential for RF (radio frequency) microwave applications. Its advantages lie in its ability to provide high- density routing and integration, which are cru- cial for complex RF circuits. Here are three key UHDI benefits in RF microwave applications: 1. Signal Integrity In RF applications, signal integrity is para- mount. UHDI facilitates controlled imped- ance routing, reducing signal loss and ensur- ing reliable transmission of RF signals. UHDI improves signal integrity in the following ways: • Controlled impedance routing: UHDI allows for precise control over the imped- ance of transmission lines, which is crucial for maintaining signal integrity in RF circuits. Controlled impedance ensures that signals propagate with minimal reflections and distortion, especially at high frequencies. • Reduced crosstalk: UHDI enables dense routing of transmission lines while mini- mizing the spacing between them. is reduces the likelihood of crosstalk, where signals from adjacent traces interfere with each other, thus preserving the integrity of individual signals. • Optimized via placement: UHDI facili- tates strategic placement of vias (vertical interconnect access) to minimize signal UHDI Fundamentals: UHDI for RF Microwave Applications

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