As a kid, I remember
long, hot, cross-country
trips to the Midwest with
my grandparents to visit
relatives. Riding in the
backseat of a 1970s station wagon without air
conditioning, the only thing I had to look for-
ward to was stopping at Stuckey's in Oklahoma,
which had a snake farm right next door.
Recently, Andy Shaughnessy and Nolan
Johnson met with Soo Lan Cheah, the
developer of a new IPC course geared
toward PCB manufacturing professionals
with little to no knowledge about semicon-
ductor manufacturing. With her background
in PCB and IC design, Soo Lan brings a
circumspect vision of these disciplines and
how they are interrelated.
The global electronic design automation
market is projected to hit the market valu-
ation of $35.3 billion by 2032 from $15.8
billion in 2023 and at a CAGR of 9.75%
during the forecast period 2024–2032.
The EDA market is experiencing signifi-
cant growth, driven by increasing com-
plexity of semiconductor designs.
Ultra high-density
(UHDI) technology
refers to advanced
processes used to
create extremely
compact and highly efficient electronic circuits at
the sub-1-mil line and space level. In aerospace
applications, UHDI is crucial due to the stringent
requirements for weight, reliability, and perfor-
mance in a challenging environment.
PCB designers do not work in a
vacuum with other teams and depart-
ments in their company. I have often
seen designers develop "tunnel
vision" and begin to focus solely
on the issues of the design depart-
ment, where, of course, they see a
set of intricate patterns and layouts
that need to be carefully crafted to
ensure the circuit functions correctly.
In June 2024, IPC released an excellent white
paper called "Next Generation Design Needs,"
presenting the need for the transformation of
disparate design tools and processes. It's time
to eliminate silos.
For the latest news and information, visit
Electronic Design Automation
Market Valuation is Poised to
Reach $35.3 Billion by 2032
Target Condition: My Anti-venom
to PCB Cost Adders
Why You Need to Take
This New 'Semiconductor
Essentials' Course
Dana on Data: The Evolution of
Fabrication Drawing
UHDI Fundamentals:
UHDI Applications for Aerospace
Elementary, Mr. Watson:
Debunking Misconceptions
in PCB Design