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10 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2024 Feature Interview by Andy Shaughnessy I-CONNECT007 For the past few years, IPC has been cham- pioning the term "silicon to systems." More than a buzzword, it has become a slogan—and even a kind of roadmap—for the organization. e term comes in especially handy when IPC is advocating for this industry in Washington, D.C., oen addressing politicians who have little understanding of electronics technology. But what does silicon to systems mean to PCB designers? We asked this and more of a trio of IPC staffers: CTO Matt Kelly, Chief Strategist for Advanced Packaging Devan Iyer, and design instructor Kris Moyer, CID+. Does your company take a silicon-to-systems approach to design? From Silicon to Systems Andy Shaughnessy: Matt, what do you mean by silicon to systems? Matt Kelly: e term silicon to systems was born in our IPC Advanced Packaging report in the fall of 2021. It was a notion that I used to try to simplify the breadth and the scope of everything that was going on at the time, and is still going on today, of course. A lot of the focus with the CHIPS Act in the United States, Europe, and other geographies has really revolved around the step function changes that are occurring with semiconduc- tors and electronics packaging. is comes out in terms of the U.S. CHIPS Act in the design of those chips, the architectures, and the fact

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