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34 SMT007 MAGAZINE I OCTOBER 2024 The data certainly tells a story, Rick. Counterfeiting is a moving target. You can't predict what will be counterfeited. Aer you see a counterfeit device, you can look back and see that it makes sense because of the things I've mentioned, such as demand, price, and availability of raw materials. But in 2023, three- quarters of those 700 were reported for the first time as being counterfeit. Why wouldn't an EMS company connect with ERAI? It sounds like it's self-evident. A common objection is they say they don't need it because they only buy from franchised distribution, period, end of story. I hear that. You buying from franchise distribution is an ERAI best method. But with my 37 years of experience, I know for a fact that the franchise global supply chain simply cannot meet all the requirements on any given day. at's why the secondary market has grown and prospered for almost a hundred years. I respect that decision, and ERAI will be here when you do have a problem. I am hum- bled and happy when somebody comes to me later and says, "Hey, we got stung." ere's no shame in that game; let's help you out of this sit- uation. Mind you, you don't have to be a mem- ber to participate in those kinds of services. What sorts of scams and games do you think may be coming up next in the world of counterfeits? We're seeing more cloned-type products that may pass because they operate correctly dur- ing incoming inspection, but may not oper- ate at temperature. So, they must cross-section the part to verify the die inside is what they expected. With all the third-party semicon- ductor manufacturers, anybody with enough money could go in and say, "Look, here's my drawing. I need you to make me a hundred thousand of these, and then I will send them to a packaging house in Malaysia." at plant will stamp whatever they want on those pack- ages. You don't know what shortage will drive a counterfeit. Rick, thank you for your time and this important education. It's been great talking to you, Nolan. SMT007 Figure 6: New vs. previously reported parts in 2023.

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