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48 SMT007 MAGAZINE I OCTOBER 2024 Feature Article by Anthony Bryant In today's interconnected global market- place, counterfeit electronics pose a significant threat to industries ranging from aerospace and defense to healthcare and telecommuni- cations. As counterfeiters employ increasingly sophisticated techniques, the need for robust strategies to prevent, mitigate, and identify counterfeit components has become critical. is article explores the advanced techniques used in counterfeiting, the potential involve- ment of state-owned enterprises (SOEs), and comprehensive strategies for combating this pervasive issue. Advanced Techniques in Counterfeiting Counter feiter s continually evolve their methods to produce fake electronic compo- nents that closely mimic authentic parts. Some of the most advanced techniques include: • Re-marking and re-packaging: Altering legitimate part markings and repackaging components to misrepresent them as new or different parts. • Exploiting supply chain vulnerabilities: Counterfeiters exploit vulnerabilities in the supply chain, introducing fake com- ponents that can go undetected until inte- grated into critical systems. • Reverse engineering: is process involves disassembling genuine products to replicate their design and functionality, creating clones that are difficult to distin- guish from the original. Combatting Advanced Techniques in Counterfeiting Figure 1: Four key entry points of counterfeits into the electronic components supply chain.

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