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OCTOBER 2024 I SMT007 MAGAZINE 9 subtle details is the key to detecting and avoid- ing a counterfeiter, a deepfake, or a phishing text. So, what does all this mean to the EMS indus- try? Counterfeiting has been an ongoing threat for the past 30 years or so, and one can argue that it's increasing in scope and volume. Our reputation as assemblers is at stake if we lose control of our parts inventories and find our- selves building product with counterfeit parts. While it might sometimes be as easy as pay- ing attention to the component labeling, coun- terfeiting techniques now include functional spoofing of the genuine part—the EMS equiv- alent of a deepfake video, perhaps? Our vigi- lance and sophistication must rise to match the inventiveness of the bad actors. at is what inspired this edition of SMT007 Magazine. We start with Paul Jarski, whose real-world experiences set the stage for our other conver- sations on counterfeiting. We then follow up with watchdog organizations like CALCE and ERAI, who share how they help prevent and/ or mitigate counterfeits in your supply chain. We also contacted Tony Bryant, who devel- oped (and conducts) a course on counterfeit- Nolan Johnson is managing editor of SMT007 Magazine. Nolan brings 30 years of career experience focused almost entirely on electronics design and manufacturing. To contact Johnson, click here. ing for IPC. In his article, Tony takes a deep dive into his counterfeit mitigation course syl- labus to share how to respond when counter- feits are found or suspected. We also go back to a column by Bill Cardoso, who explains why you should "X-ray everything." We wrap it up with columns by Dr. Jennie Hwang, Tom Yang, and Josh Casper. ERAI indicates that counterfeits are shiing to meet market shortages, maybe, but not let- ting up. In this world of artificial intelligence, we all must be on the lookout for deepfakes meant to persuade and, unfortunately, to deceive. So, whether it's a phishing scheme in your text messages, sociopolitical propaganda in social media, or counterfeiters in your sup- ply chain, taking the necessary precautions will help keep you above the fray. SMT007 Figure 2: Crater Lake at nightfall, with Wizard Island in the foreground.

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