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OCTOBER 2024 I SMT007 MAGAZINE 73 As we move into the AI era, new tools and platforms are remaking our work- place including design, research, engi- neering, manufacturing and. Even for those of us who are not AI technolo- gists, staying in the core knowledge zone is a viable strategy to remain profi- cient and competitive in the workplace. When it comes to industrial and electronic products, certain regions and countries are renowned for their expertise and manufac- turing capabilities in specific areas. I am sure someone could write a book, and perhaps someone already has, about why certain countries excel in producing certain products. The other day, I sat down and put together a list of countries and what they are known for. On every call with senior leaders, I hear the same thing: Their organizations are facing the cumulative fatigue of constant dis- ruptions. This shift necessitates a transformation in leadership approach that prominently emphasizes empathy. As electronics shrink and PCB density grows, traditional sol- der deposition meth- ods such as stencil printing face signifi- cant challenges. One solution making substantial waves is solder paste jetting. The development and commercializa- tion of this technology has been around since the early 2000s. So, why now? At some point in the growth cycle of most businesses, they inevitably face "the squeeze"—when increasing complexity starts to over- whelm the business pro- cesses and management systems. The busi- ness then gets squeezed by rising overhead costs, falling efficiency, capacity constraints, and cash flow challenges. Paul was not just a businessman but a visionary who shaped the EMS industry in Toronto through his leadership at SMTC Manufac- turing Corporation and Artaflex Corporation. For the latest news and information, visit Global Sourcing Spotlight: A World Full of Product Expertise Why a Culture of Thriving Matters Celebrating the Vibrant Life of Paul Walker, EMS Visionary and Serial Entrepreneur Wriggling Out of 'the Squeeze' Dr. Jennie Hwang to Deliver Course on AI Opportunities, Challenges, Possibilities at SMTAI Making Waves With Solder Paste Jetting

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