Altium announced it
has launched the
Requirements &
Systems Portal
Application into the
Altium 365 cloud
platform for electronics
design collaboration.
Soo Lan Cheah is kind of a unicorn in the
industry. She is an IPC instructor based
in Malaysia, and she has years of experi-
ence designing integrated circuits and
printed circuit boards. I knew I had to get
her thoughts for this issue on silicon to sys-
tems. I asked Soo Lan to discuss her cross-
discipline background and what silicon to
systems means to her.
The increasing complexity of integrated
systems demands a holistic approach to
design, materials, assembly, reliability,
and metrology across all levels of integra-
tion, from chip to package to board. IPC's
Technology Solutions group addresses
these challenges and suggests a compre-
hensive roadmap in its new white paper,
"Advanced Packaging to Board Level Inte-
gration—Needs and Challenges.
Technologies such as arti-
ficial intelligence, autono-
mous cars, smartphones,
and wearable devices are
significantly transform-
ing the semiconductor
industry. The miniaturiza-
tion trend drives the IC footprint to an even smaller
profile, requiring tighter margins. From the PCB
designer's perspective, smaller form factors are
achievable, making devices more compact and
For the past few years, IPC has been
championing the term "silicon to
systems." More than a buzzword, it
has become a slogan—and even a
kind of roadmap—for the organiza-
tion. The term comes in especially
handy when IPC is advocating for this
industry in Washington, D.C., often
addressing politicians who have little
understanding of electronics technol-
ogy. But what does silicon to systems
mean to PCB designers?
The Northwest Electronics
Design & Manufacturing
Expo (NEDME) is back for
another year of innovation,
collaboration, and indus-
try-leading insights. On
Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2024,
join professionals from the electronics design
and manufacturing sector at the Wingspan
Event and Conference Center for a full day of
cutting-edge exhibits, expert speakers, and
unparalleled networking opportunities.
For the latest news and information, visit PCBDesign007.com
IPC White Paper
Requirements & Systems Portal
Application Now Available on the
Altium 365 Cloud Platform
PCB Designers: 'Level Up' IC,
Packaging Knowledge
Register Now for NEDME 2024
Beyond Design:
Integrated Circuit to PCB Integration
From Silicon to Systems