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60 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I OCTOBER 2024 sions of the circuit design were approximately 75 µm distance in one of the axes combined with overall length of approximately half a meter between net ends on opposite layers for circuit components and connector termina- tions. An additional requirement was that the base material needed to be very thin to physically fit within the medical device. e material choice was Novaclad diclad, which is adhesiveless and available with 25 µm polyimide film, a very thin and flexible construction—appealing to the customer for functioning well in their applica- tion. e processing technique needed to be modified semi-additive processing (mSAP). Our capabilities include base material manu- facturing and flexible circuitry manufacturing. Our standard production style is roll-to-roll. Optimizing mSAP to Produce Flex for Biofluid Sensor Probes Article by Dean Neuburger SHELDAHL FLEXIBLE TECHNOLOGIES Improvements in flexible printed circuitry technology offer solutions that enable advance- ment in other technologies, enabling new cir- cuit design and capability possibilities for cus- tomers' applications. is article will overview advancements developed and implemented to produce a flexible circuit that meets new and challenging requirements for a custom- er's medical application. is discussion will highlight development ideas more than details about the final processing scheme. e medical application was a sensor designed to be inserted in a body to monitor activity of fluids by measuring minute elec- trical inflections. Good circuit performance required circuit production that achieves spe- cific geometric precision of small circuit fea- tures with net ends far apart. Feature dimen-

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