70 The PCB Magazine • May 2015
Multek CTO Excited about
the Challenges of the
Fast-Moving wearables Market
i-Connect007 Publisher Barry Matties and recently-
appointed Multek CTo Dr. Joan Vrtis sat down at
iPC aPex exPo to discuss the rapidly evolving wear-
ables market, especially for medical, and the myriad
questions that must be addressed. other topics in-
clude Multek's contribution to the wearables indus-
try and what it sees as the main challenges to put-
ting their circuits into various applications.
raising a Unified Voice
for an Advanced
Manufacturing Economy
The electronics manufacturing industry is an im-
portant sector in the global economy, and John
Hasselmann, VP of Government Relations at iPC,
is an advocate for policies that will help our indus-
try as well as the prosperity and welfare of billions
of people.
reliability and Harmonization
of Global Standards at
Forefront of EIPC Efforts
at iPC aPex exPo 2015, i-Connect007 Technical
editor Pete starkey caught up with eiPC's Michael
weinhold and alun Morgan, who were happy to
discuss both recent and ongoing focuses for eiPC.
also touched on was the importance of the align-
ment of global standardization processes, espe-
cially for asia.
Are There Advantages to
Changing your registration
i-Connect007 Publisher Barry Matties recently had
a conversation with Dis's Tony Faraci at iPC aPex
exPo 2015, to learn more about their pinless
registration system. what was most interesting
to Matties was the potential advantages a pinless
system offers and why the process has not been
widely adopted.
recent Highlights
from PCB007
70 The PCB Magazine • May 2015