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24 SMT Magazine • February 2016 by Frederick blancas iNTEgrATED Micro-ElEcTroNicS iNc. "Come with me and you'll be in a world of pure imagination…We'll begin with a spin, trav- eling in the world of my creation. What we'll see will defy explanation." If you have seen the 1971 film, "Willy Won- ka and the Chocolate Factory" or its 2005 re- make, the lyrics above, from the film's feature song, "Pure Imagination," will be familiar to you. The song continues, "If you want to view par- adise, simply look around and view it. Anything you want to, do it. Want to change the world, there's nothing to it." Imagine yourself in a tour of a present day EMS factory. If you're a veteran in the industry, you'll probably be pleasantly amazed, but a bit bewildered by the changes. If you're a newbie, you might be excited by the many possibilities this factory could churn out. As the song says, the EMS industry "began with a spin" and it now seems "to defy explana- tion." In an industry that is constantly changing, EMS providers have reinvented themselves to stay relevant and fuel profitable growth. Let's take a look at five of these transformation trends in the EMS industry. Come Fly with Me "Come fly with me. Let's fly, let's fly away." —Frank Sinatra, "Come Fly with Me" (1958) Last year, Airbus predicted that the world would need 32,600 new commercial aircrafts for the next two decades at a value of US$4.9 trillion. Boeing released its own forecast: 38,000 new planes worth US$5.6 trillion. This contagious optimism about aircraft de- mand is driven by an increased air travel de- mand as well as technology advancements. Electronic parts in aircrafts are also on the rise to make air travel as safe and dependable as possible—and more convenient and enter- taining. EMS: Quo Vadis? (Where are you Going?) image copyright © 1971 Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Paramount Pictures. Featu re

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