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62 SMT Magazine • February 2016 which has two legs on it, right into the paste; then, it can be sent through a reflow oven. Now, you could ask, "Well, why don't you just use the standard pin: print paste (paste-in- hole), insert the pins and send it through the oven?" The problem is with a standard right-an- gle pin, the pins will rotate while going through the oven. But these have to stay parallel to each other to permit them to be plugged into the sockets on the motherboard. This is a case study we use in the paper as an example of design for auto- mation. You can redesign the boards to use the new, automatable pins as was done in the ap- plication; however, what's better is if you design this kind of pin into the board to begin with. This allows the process to be automated with- out the cost and time involved in a board rede- sign. If you try and automate using a standard right-angle pin, you end up having to rework Figure 1: Traditional standard right-angle pin. Figure 2: Daughter board assembly with pin designed for total automation. Figure 3: Portion of 200-up daughter circuit board panel after reflow with pin designed for automation. Figure 4: Standard pin post-reflow daughter board assembly using a standard paste-in-hole process. tHe JeFFersoN ProJect, Part 2

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