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56 SMT Magazine • March 2016 In the last column, we covered board han- dling techniques for through-hole assembly systems. Now, we'll address some popular op- tions for wave soldering systems. Some common options for wave soldering include: 1. Air knife cleaning 2. Recirculating cleaning system 3. Inerting systems 4. Roll-out solder pot 5. PC interface Preface to cleaning Options Process requirements, based on IEEE, IPC or other standards will usually dictate the type of flux to be used in a particular process. IPC standards, such as J-STD, are used in the electronic assembly/manufacturing industry. Among other things, this standard dictates the type of solder, materials and processes to conform to specific specifications. If a highly active acidic flux is used, it will often leave a residue if not cleaned in process, whereas a "no-clean" flux is burned off during pre-heat and doesn't usually require cleaning after wave soldering. For no-clean fluxing systems, flux should be completely dry prior to its entering the solder wave. Many wave solder systems today using no-clean flux will include an extended preheat time (that is, a longer preheat travel distance) for activation, to ensure completely dry boards and provide an effectively clean board. The sol- der flux manufacturer will provide these recom- mended specifications. by robert voigt DDM NoVastar Selecting a wave Soldering System, Part 4 SMt QuICk-tIPS

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