March 2016 • The PCB Design Magazine 77
ICD Releases 2016 Edition of
the ICD Stackup Planner
The ICD Stack-
up Planner is
delivered with
an extensive di-
electric materials library (DML) containing over
23,300 commonly used rigid and flexible core,
prepreg and solder mask/coverlay materials up to
100GHz. This is arguably the most comprehensive
list of material properties ever compiled. Using the
exact materials that are stocked by your preferred
fabricator can increase accuracy by up to 5%.
Designers Notebook:
Flexible and Rigid-Flex Circuit
Design Principles, Part 3
Both adhesiveless copper-clad
films and materials relying on
lamination with high-temperature
adhesives will continue evolve. For
example, DuPont, a major suppli-
er of polyimide base materials, is
said to have developed high-tem-
perature adhesive technology that combines new
polymer systems that significantly improves mois-
ture and chemical resistance. The new material is
tougher, exhibits better thermal conductivity.
SiSoft and MathWorks Present
Design Flow to Create AMI
Models from SerDes Design Data
"AMI model development typically occurs only af-
ter the SerDes design has been finalized," noted
Barry Katz, SiSoft's President and CTO. "AMI mod-
els are also generally created by a different group,
so some knowledge of the original design intent
gets lost in translation. This flow lets SerDes engi-
neering create AMI quickly and efficiently. Reusing
SerDes design models for AMI development has
been a longstanding, but previously unattainable
goal for many design teams."
The Shaughnessy Report:
Doing My Part for Medical
If you're like me, and most of
you are, you've started getting
mail from AARP. You exercise,
because if you don't, you feel
like a fat slob. Your body hurts
more often, and you just deal
with the pain until it gets bad
enough to go to the doctor. This is especially true
for men; tough guys like us don't like going to
the doctor, unless we've actually severed an artery.
Otherwise, we don't need no stinkin' doctors!
Cadence's OrCAD Capture
Supports Intel Schematic
Connectivity Format
Cadence Design Systems'
OrCAD Capture now pro-
vides export capability for
Intel Schematic Connectivity Format (ISCF), tar-
geted at automating Intel-based design reviews.
ISCF was developed by Intel to streamline the col-
laboration process with its customers. Intel worked
with Cadence to develop a direct ISCF generation
capability in OrCAD Capture to make this collabo-
ration process simpler and more efficient.
Enhancing Thermal
Performance of CSP
Integrated Circuits
In order to meet size and
weight requirements, con-
straints of portable electronic
designs often force PCB de-
signers to reduce the size of
components and PCB real estate area. To meet
these demands, the use of CSP packages to shrink
the PCB area needed is a common change in de-
signs. As a result of the reduction of total PCB area,
the available options to move heat and route high-
power PCB traces is also reduced.