56 The PCB Design Magazine • March 2016
New Galaxy-hunting Sky Camera Sees
Redder Better
A newly upgraded camera that incorporates light
sensors developed at the U.S. Department of
Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
(Berkeley Lab) is now one of the best cameras
on the planet for studying outer space at red
wavelengths that are too red for the human eye
to see.
New Tool Provides Successful Visual
Inspection of Space Station Robot Arm
As NASA takes a break in RRM operations, it's look-
ing back on past achievements and celebrating
one of its latest accomplishments: the successful
inspection of Canadarm2, the International Space
Station's (ISS) robotic arm. In time, this visual in-
spection capability may help future servicing ven-
tures at other orbits inspect for damage and fail-
ures on their spacecraft.
Mission Teams Prepare
for Critical Days
Moments after Sentinel-3A separates from its rock-
et, a team of European mission control specialists
will assume control, shepherding new spacecraft
through its critical first days in space.
Global Defense Industry Business
Confidence Report H1 2016
This defense Industry Business Confidence Report
H1 2016 presents executives' opinion on the busi-
ness environment over January 2016–June 2016.
Organizations can understand the market by ana-
lyzing existing economic conditions, supplier price
variations, sales performance, industry and com-
pany growth outlook, spending patterns, and key
Robotic Drones to Print Emergency
Shelters for Those in Need
A new research project aims to develop the world's
first flying robots capable of autonomously assess-
ing and manufacturing building structures to help
areas suffering from natural disasters.
New Made-in-NTU Satellite Technologies
Pass Space Tests
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
(NTU Singapore) and BAE Systems have signed a
$2.5 million partnership to jointly develop next-
generation cybersecurity solutions in an era of ris-
ing cyber attacks.
Footsteps Could Power Mobile Devices
When you're on the go and your smartphone
battery is low, in the not-so-distant future, you
could charge it simply by plugging it into your
shoe. An innovative energy harvesting and storage
technology developed by University of Wisconsin,
Madison mechanical engineers could reduce our
reliance on the batteries in our mobile devices, en-
suring we have power for our devices no matter
where we are.
High-Performance Laminates
High-performance laminates are characterized as
base materials that in one or more aspects exceed
the performance of FR-4, CEM, or paper/phenolic
laminates. In this article, Karl Dietz talks about the
different types of laminates, their dielectric require-
ments, and how they are being manufactured.
Fabrication Drawings and Electrical Test—
Reading the Fine Print
When a new PCB design is born, designers envision
what the product will provide when completed.
Whether the product is for the consumer, aero-
space, military, medical or countless other markets,
the designers—or more likely, the customers—ex-
pect certain deliverables on the commodity they
wish to purchase.
FTG Receives New Multi-year Contract
Awards for its Circuits Business
Firan Technology Group Corporation (FTG), a
leader in aerospace and defense electronics, an-
nounced today that it has renewed two long-Term
Agreements with a prominent US based Aerospace,
Space and Defense Contractor for its Circuits To-
ronto and Chatsworth facilities.