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10 The PCB Magazine • December 2017 A form of machine learning called deep learn- ing is one technology behind advances in appli- cations like real-time speech recognition and au- tomated image labeling. The approach, which uses multi-layered ar- tificial neural networks to automate data analy- sis, also has shown significant promise for health care. It could be used, for example, to automati- cally identify abnormalities in patients' X-rays, CT scans and other medical images and data. In two new papers, UCLA resear chers report that they have developed new uses for deep learning: reconstructing a hologram to form a mi- croscopic image of an object and improving op- tical microscopy. Deep Learning used to Reconstruct Holograms and More Patricia Goldman is managing editor of The PCB Magazine. To contact Goldman, click here. GETTING THE HEAT OUT! Next, Anaya Vardya, CEO of American Standard Circuits, carefully explains the con- struction of metal-clad PCBs from single-sided through multilayer. He highlights with options, potential concerns, and material choices along the way. Our third feature article on this month's topic comes from Jim Barry, PCB Technologies Ltd. He discusses all the different heatsink tech- nologies available touching on thermal vias, coin technology, and copper thickness choices, among others. His first figure succinctly illus- trates the options for heat dissipation and is a great "picture is worth 1000 words." This is followed by a feature by Aismalibar's Gareth Parry. He focuses on LED applications offering practical advice for both design and fabrication. We keep hearing bits and pieces about a looming copper shortage and that is the focus of Elmatica's column authored by CEO Didrik Bech. We are now competing with the lithium battery industry for ED copper, one of the most basic building blocks for PCB laminate material. The other two major components, woven glass fiber and epoxy resin, are also rumored to be in limited quantity. Needless to say, Bech's call to action should be heeded by everyone in the supply chain, like, now. Even while we wrestle with new technolo- gies, the same old processing problems don't al- ways disappear. RBP Chemical's Mike Carano gives a troubleshooting lesson on mouse bites (yes, you read that right). If you are unfamil- iar with this highly descriptive term, talk to the guys in the plating area and QC and they will fill you in. Next, Tara Dunn, Omni PCB, regales us with a short story to illustrate the many advantages of flexible circuits—including thermal manage- ment. While pointing out these advantages she mentions numerous applications that show you why flex is a real growth market. And rounding out our magazine this month is Steve Williams of The Right Approach Con- sulting, with a discussion on company culture change as a fundamental part of quality im- provement. We all know things don't get easier out there so this is all good info to heed. So that wraps up another heavy-duty tech issue for you and, hey, it's the end of the year al- ready! How did that happen? I hope you found The PCB Magazine to be a valuable resource for you and your company. We have, of course, been planning issues for next year, starting off with "Choosing the right equipment for your current and future needs" in January. That is - sue will also include a special IPC APEX EXPO 2018 pre-show section, featuring interviews and other news on the event to be held in San Diego. Looking forward to it and meeting some of you there. In the meantime, go ahead and get subscribed if you haven't been paying attention to me. PCB