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APRIL 2018 I FLEX007 MAGAZINE 17 on a so-called corrective action report (CAR). During the arduous testing that was done to confirm the findings and then resolve them, a lot of information was gathered. That infor - mation is invaluable to the manufacturer. It has added experience and knowledge to the team that could not have been offered without going through the process properly. A typical CAR will include the initial findings from the customer, analysis done by the supplier, cor - rective measures that resolve the current prob- lem and preventive measures that assure the same issue is not repeated on future builds. At this point one may think that the process has been completed. However, the resolu - tion should be tested and verified for at least three future builds to confirm its validity. At that point, one may be confident that the root cause was properly identified and resolved! Negative Experience or Valuable Opportunity Non-conforming material that is sent back by the customer can easily be interpreted as a negative experience. However, if it is perceived as an opportunity to learn and support the cus- tomer it becomes a much more pleasant and satisfying endeavor. The knowledge gained, however painful it may be, is an asset to the manufacturer. It can and should be used to inform and educate the entire team, from the designers to the final inspection team and any- one who touches products in between. When a story is reported in the news today about one stranger who helped another, it is termed a "feel-good story." In flexible and rigid PCB manufacturing, the feeling is the same each time we resolve a customer's issue with confidence and enthusiasm. FLEX007 John Talbot is president and owner of Tramonto Circuits. Editor Pete Starkey speaks with Jonathan Weldon of DuPont Electronic Materials about several factors that affect the signal integrity of controlled impedance lines on flex circuits with cross-hatched ground planes. Jona- than discusses their impact on electrical performance, and his work with the High-Density Packaging User Group. DuPont's Jonathan Weldon on Controlled Impedance Flex Lines