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44 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2018 In a recent IPC global survey, we found that while the skills gap may vary depending on the job role and geographic location surveyed, many companies in our industry are struggling to find the talent they need, and the problem is expected to continue over the next decade. Sixty-four percent of companies reported difficulty finding skilled production work- ers, and 71% indicated similar trouble hiring qualified engineers. Respondents also noted a low level of satisfaction with training options, a willingness to utilize online training, and a need for training options for different roles in the company. The IPC survey follows a joint Deloitte Consulting LLP and the Manufacturing Institute survey reporting that 74% of indus- try executives noted a significant skill deficit in their skilled production workers, ranging from operators to technicians. With this feedback in hand, IPC is working hard to provide solutions to these workforce education challenges. For example, IPC's online learning manage- ment system, IPC EDGE, is designed to provide training and testing services via the internet for a global audience. Launched in 2016, IPC EDGE hosts a variety of learning opportunities including white papers, webinars, IPC stan- dards, skills development resources, and IPC certification courses, as well as access to an extensive library of educational content glob- ally. One of the first programs to be released on our new platform was the six-week online Electronics Program Manager training and certification program. The classroom version of this course launched in 2003, but with One World, One Industry by John Mitchell, IPC—ASSOCIATION CONNECTING ELECTRONICS INDUSTRIES IPC Addresses Skills Gap