Unimicron Germany Rises from the
Ashes with New Smart Factory E
This is a review of the grand opening of Uni-
micron's new smart factory in Geldern, Ger-
many. A fire in a PCB shop is an experience we
all dread, but still it happens, and the conse-
quences can be devastating. In the early hours
of December 28, 2016, the innerlayer produc-
tion plant at RUWEL International in Geldern
caught fire and the whole factory and its con-
tents were destroyed.
Chin-Poon PCB Plant Fire to Affect
15% of Revenues E
Chin-Poon Industrial, which has more than
70% of its revenues from the automotive elec-
tronics industry, has estimated that losses
resulting from a deadly fire at its production
site in Taoyuan, Northern Taiwan on the eve-
ning of April 28 will amount to about NT$300
million ($10.2 million).
Flex Talk: Something New for Everyone E
Whether you are new to single- and double-
sided flex, moving into rigid-flex construction,
thinking of using bookbinder technology, or
investigating an additive process, working with
new technology can be both exciting and chal-
AT&S Offers a Look into the Future
of Connection Technology E
AT&S presented innovative technologies and
trends in connection solutions at the 14th
AT&S Technology Forum. Numerous inter-
ested customers were able to find out about
the latest developments in the electronics and
printed circuit board industry for areas such
as mobile devices, automotive, industrial,
communications and medical technology and
to exchange views with the AT&S experts.
Printed Circuits Upgrades
Photo Department E
Flex and rigid-flex circuit board manufac-
turer Printed Circuits has added two new
pieces of equipment to their photo department
including a new Orbotech Paragon 8-watt laser
direct imager and a Fusion 22 automatic opti-
cal inspection machine with laser via inspec-
tion capabilities.
It's Only Common Sense: Silence is Not
Always Golden E
A few years ago, I worked with a client that
won and then lost 30 customers all in the
span of 10 months. They had bought the cus-
tomer base of a company that was going out
of business.
The Right Approach: the Rebirth of
Made in America E
I have been on the record for the past 10
years saying that jobs we lost overseas may
move out of China to a new low-cost coun
try, but they were never coming back. I have
never been happier to be wrong! I talk to a
lot of CEOs, and the first question I ask is,
"How's business?" The answers are over-
whelmingly positive, and it is clear that their
optimism is at a level
not seen for over a
decade. America as a low-cost country. Think
about that.
Nano Dimension Sells Three Printers,
Opens Customer Center at U.S. HQ E
Nano Dimension Ltd. has announced new
sales of the DragonFly 2020 Pro 3D printer to
three prominent American customers. Nano
Dimension also announced the opening of its
third Customer Experience Center co-located
with the company's U.S. headquarters in Santa
Clara, California.
PCB007 Highlights