PCB007 Magazine


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42 PCB007 MAGAZINE I OCTOBER 2019 The branches of military services continue to counter threats by shifting from boots on the ground to more technical solutions that do not require additional personal. The combat envi- ronment requires designs that require faster decisions and more rapid processing, rugged displays to withstand 120°F outside tempera- tures, extreme cold, blowing sand, and abnor- mal mechanical forces like the shock and vi- bration in a helicopter; they have to be smaller, lighter-weight, and extremely reliable. Unmanned vehicles require more AI and as- sociated technology. Electronic uniforms com- pliment camouflage and drive designs using electronic fabrics. For example, uniforms with cameras on the back of the soldier which project that image on the uniform front make the solder totally invisible (the ultimate in camouflage). Increased electronic guidance for more pro- jectiles—including bullets, space warfare coun- termeasures, and cyber threats—push new technology and drive printed circuit features and their associated reliability. With the future demand for more and more military electron- ics, certification to the PCB MIL-PRF-31032 specification becomes a business decision for many fabricators. Fluency in the MIL-PRF-31032 language is a key first step to understand the requirements and communicate with the Department of De- fense (DoD). This column will define many of these terms and is a must-review before in- forming the DoD of your intent to certify. Let's Technology and Reliability Demands Drive Designers and MIL-PRF-31032 Specification From the Hill by Mike Hill, MIL-Q-CONSULTING LLC

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