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38 SMT007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2021 Feature Article by Chris Jorgensen IPC ere are many reasons—from a personal, professional, or a business perspective—to get involved in IPC standards development activi- ties. Based on your level of involvement, your experiences can touch on one, two, or all three of these areas. From a business perspective, involvement in IPC standards is incredibly important. Usage of IPC's globally accepted standards creates a level playing field in the electronics supply chain. e playing field, however, is only as level as the participants who are involved in the development of a standard. By actively participating on an IPC commit- tee, subcommittee or task group, your com- pany has a say in the content and requirements that go into an IPC standard. For instance, if a task group is moving forward with a change to a standard that could impact your business, you have the ability—working through the task group—to influence direction for that pro- posed change to ensure when the standard is published and out to market for use, your com- pany will be able to continue to meet require- ments of the standard. Professionally, many of our task group mem- bers will tell you some of the best free education they can get is from participation on an IPC task group. By participating on these groups, you have a seat at the table with others from your industry with a direct interest in a topic that also specifically interests you. During the develop- ment of the standard, you will be an active par- ticipant along with other industry subject mat- ter experts as you work together on an area of technology with idea exchange about the latest advancements within that area of technology. Additionally, when the standard is pub- lished, you will bring to your company your direct knowledge of the whys and hows that went into the development of the standard, including reasoning for requirements. is will set you apart from those who did not partici- pate and will need to best interpret the stan- dard on their own. On a personal level, you will greatly expand your business and personal networks. You Why You Should Get Involved in IPC Standards Development

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