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64 SMT007 MAGAZINE I DECEMBER 2021 to spread education and encourage their en- tire team at all levels to be engaging with one another to benefit from the best practices of their peers. In addition to bringing those up-and-com- ing leaders, we also put an incentive in place to encourage them to share training and learn- ing opportunities with others at their organi- zation—the operators back at home. Every at- tendee will get a $200 voucher for IPC Edge with multiple training opportunities so they can choose what fits their current needs. If they bring a colleague, they will get $600 for their company. Johnson: at's a nice spiff for attending. Riggan: We definitely want to encourage them to reach out. Johnson: You're encouraging the education portion, but will there be networking oppor- tunities? Wolfe: Yes. From a program perspective, one of the keys that ties us all together—and from which we get a tremendous amount of posi- tive feedback—is the two-plus hours of round- tables planned around certain topics. It's not PowerPoint, it's not formal, but rather an op- portunity for smaller groups to talk about spe- cific issues and report out to the group. One of the definite benefits of this meet- ing has been the tremendous number of rela- tionships and follow-up conversations. ere are even some small regional groups that have formed because they come to this meet- ing each year and want to get together and col- laborate more regularly. I'll say the relation- ship aspect of it is a very important part of this meeting, as well as the hands-on and the for- mal agenda. at extends into a networking dinner that we have as part of it, in the evening, where we're, again, bringing people into a venue to continue the one-on-one conversations. Over- all, there's a very substantial opportunity to network and build those relationships. Johnson: Let's walk through the when, where, and how to register. Riggan: e EMS Leadership Summit is going to take place on Monday, January 24th in San Diego at IPC APEX EXPO. e meeting takes place from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. followed by a net- working dinner. Register just like you're regis- tering for IPC APEX EXPO at IPCapexexpo. org. When you register we encourage you to bring a colleague so you can take advantage of those IPC Edge credits. Wolfe: ere's also an opportunity for an early bird discount by December 17, which is an ad- ditional 20%. e meeting is practically free if you act soon. Johnson: Bring a colleague, get those credits, and get the discount. You have a strong argu- ment there. anks to both of you for taking the time to talk about the EMS Leadership Summit. Wolfe: Our pleasure. Riggan: ank you. SMT007 Every attendee will get a $200 voucher for IPC Edge with multiple training opportunities so they can choose what fits their current needs.