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90 SMT007 MAGAZINE I DECEMBER 2021 Feature Article by IPC Staff How did IPC committee members fare dur- ing lockdown? We asked Francisco Fourcade, a master IPC trainer and member of the 5-22A and 7-31B standards development task groups revising two of IPC's biggest standards, IPC- J-STD-001 and IPC-A-610. Francisco lives in Barcelona, Spain, and experienced one of the toughest lockdowns in the world. When travel restrictions eased, Francisco at- tended IPC SummerCom 2021, where the in- augural Golden Gnomes were held. As the first recipient of the Outstanding A-Team Mem- ber of the Year, Francisco was recognized for participating in several A-Teams, including J- STD-001 A-Team, IPC-A-610 A-Team, Shock and Awe A-Team, Team Kangaroo, Team Iron, Team Bones, and the IPC/WHMA-A-620 Training Committee. He was also an active participant on the J-STD-001/IPC-A-610 Au- tomotive Addendum Working Group. Here is a snapshot of Francisco's committee experiences during the pandemic. IPC: What was it like to work on these stan- dards under lockdown? e committees could not meet in person, but was there anything else that struck you about working on IPC stan- dards during a pandemic? Francisco Fourcade: Under lockdown, between the unprecedented uncertainty and isolation that most of us experienced, staying actively connected was crucial. Working on IPC stan- dards was certainly a good way to collaborate alongside colleagues that were experiencing some form of lockdown as well. We had a lot of participants join from all over the world shar- ing their knowledge and support in our virtual community. IPC: What was your personal experience? Where were you locked down and for how long? Fourcade: My lockdown took place in Barce- lona, Spain. We had boots on the ground run- ning checkpoints with police to enforce one of the toughest lockdowns in the world. Every time you'd leave your house you were required to have a self-signed certificate, dated, specifics with point A and B addresses, and a set of sev- en defined reasons why you were not home. It lasted 98 days; it was brutal. Fortunately, I live in a small town on the northern coast of Bar- celona, so I could walk my dog for a one-kilo- meter radius, which meant walks on the beach. It was amazing how nature was flourishing ev- erywhere during lockdown; we even got to see dolphins at sea! Francisco Fourcade: Meeting During a Pandemic Francisco Fourcade

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