utilize high-voltage DC power supplies for
everything from vidicon camera tubes and
mass spectrometers to radar and laser tech-
nologies. NASA has experienced performance
problems with the 1.5 kV supplies because—
as a 2006 report stated—"designers did not
take the high-voltage problems seriously in the
initial design."
Real Time with... IPC APEX EXPO:
Update From PCBAA E
PCBAA Chairman Travis Kelly talks with
Nolan Johnson about the new association's
recent activities and plans. e Printed Cir-
cuit Board Association of America is focused
on advocating for manufacturing in America.
Nano Dimension Establishes First
AME NanoLab Facility E
Nano Dimension Ltd., an industry leader in
Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME),
Printed Electronics (PE), and Micro Addi-
tive Manufacturing (Micro-AM) announced
a collaboration with TTM Technologies,
Inc. to open its first AME NanoLab at TTM's
Advanced Manufacturing Center in Stafford
Springs, CT.
Eltek Receives $1.4 Million Letter of
Intent for a Purchase Order from Existing
Defense Customer E
Eltek Ltd., a global manufacturer and sup-
plier of technologically advanced solutions in
the field of printed circuit boards, announced
that the company has received a letter of
intent for a purchase order in the amount of
$1.4 million from an existing customer in the
defense sector.
Catching Up With RBP Chemical
and Schlötter E
It's always great to see two very good compa-
nies form a mutually beneficial alliance. I was
lucky enough to watch this particular strategic
partnership come to fruition this year between
RBP Chemical and Schlötter. I sat down with
Matthias Hampel, global executive represen-
tative-PCB and electronics at Schlötter, and
Ernest Litynski, president of RBP Chemical
Technology, to get the inside story.
EIPC Technical Snapshot: Considering
Supply Chain and Defense E
Continuing the highly successful series of
EIPC's Technical Snapshots, and featuring a
programme that attracted a record attendance,
the 14th online event was held on January 19.
e opening presentation came from the ever-
cheerful Didrik Bech, of Elmatica, who prom-
ised to provide thoughts and ideas about how to
secure the supply chain to ensure compliance.
Flaws in U.S. Approach to Electronics
Manufacturing Require Urgent Changes E
e United States has lost its historic dom-
inance in a foundational area of electronics
technology–printed circuit boards–and the
lack of any significant U.S. government sup-
port for the sector is leaving the nation's econ-
omy and national security dangerously reliant
on foreign suppliers.
High-Voltage Circuit Design
Guidelines and Materials E
e Hubble telescope, the Cassini-Huygens
mission, and other explorator y spacecraft