IPC Community


IPC International Community magazine an association member publication

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IPC COMMUNITY 54 SUMMER 2023 IPC COMMUNITY 54 SUMMER 2023 of ENSAIT–University of Lille (Lille, France), and Sigrid Rotzler of the Fraunhofer Insti- tute for Reliability and Microintegration IZM/ Technical University Berlin (Berlin, Germany), all 15 of those new IPC Test Methods and IPC- 8981 can be submitted to E-Textiles Commit- tee task groups. Their high level of volunteer activity moved this project along quickly. As testimony to their work ethic, Smart- ies won the 2022 Golden Gnome Award for Worker Bees of the Year. Sigrid, Vladan, and Shahood uz Zaman (from Smarties) accepted the award on behalf of their A-Team. Not to be outdone, The Terminators took home the same award during the 2023 Golden Gnome Awards. Wearablist In 2021, about a year into the Smarties' ini- tial work on IPC-8981, the team began to realize that much of the draft content on the various characteristics would be too much information for the requirements standard. They did not want to lose the knowledge being provided by team members, so Wearab- list was formed to take the overflow content from IPC-8981 and use it as a starting point for a potential guideline on e-textiles wearables. If Wearablist could curate enough content for a guideline, in addition to the overflow con- tent, then Vladan Koncar, the D-70 Commit- tee chair, would approve moving forward with a Project Initiative (PIN) form to get official approval from TAEC for this new standard. In less than a year, Wearablist had a 72-page working draft; the PIN was submitted, and the project approved for IPC-8961, Guideline on E-Textiles Wearables. Led by Paula Veske of Ghent University/imec (Ghent, Belgium), and thanks to the strong contributions from other Wearablists, this draft document is now more than 100 pages and continues to grow. When Wearablist completes its work (planned for January 2025), IPC-8961 will be a valuable standalone resource for anyone interested in the design and manufacture of e-textiles wearables as well as a document to provide guidance and additional information on the characteristics and testing of IPC-8981. Traceblazers and Inkpendables In late 2022, the second and third IPC e-tex- tiles standards and the first IPC Test Method for e-textiles were published for the indus- try. IPC-8952, Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Coated or Treated Textiles and Electrodes for wearables systems. (Source: ENSAIT) Smarties members with their 2022 Golden Gnome Award for Worker Bees of the Year. (Left to right) Shahood uz Zaman, Vladan Koncar, and Sigrid Rotzler.

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