IPC Community


IPC International Community magazine an association member publication

Issue link: https://iconnect007.uberflip.com/i/1503860

Contents of this Issue


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IPC COMMUNITY 48 SUMMER 2023 believes that not only should other program managers take the CEPM course, but other management and the general manager as well. Like the others, she said the course helped her think back about how she could better solve customers' problems. She's already very experienced in what she does, so I think that's very powerful. How do you feel about this IPC training program? Lorena: We can't wait to replicate this with our member companies in Mexico. It sur- passed all our expectations and only con- firmed what we already knew—that our train- ing programs help our customers succeed. We want to share this as much as we can and for other companies in Mexico to see the benefit of this type of training. Elizabeth: Having Lorena to lead the effort made such an impact. She took the time to fly to the cities with our facilities and meet me there. We have the books and work instruc- tions to show us how to do things, but when Lorena was there to get the program started, it made a big impact. Carlos Plaza: IPC creates Spanish language training because we know it's needed in that market. One of the main reasons we were able to do this pilot program was because we had recognized the need for Spanish language training and developed our operator training courses in English and Spanish. IPC also offers 14 of our most popular standards in Spanish. We're committed to helping the industry in Mexico. This matters because we see more com- panies from overseas, such as China and Europe, building operations in Mexico. This can make it even harder to find trained staff, so that's exactly what these courses are developed for.

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