IPC Community


IPC International Community magazine an association member publication

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IPC COMMUNITY 58 SUMMER 2023 IPC COMMUNITY 58 SUMMER 2023 EmbrEos This provides the perfect segue to the new- est A-Team in the committee, the EmbrEos, a name which signifies both embroidery of electronic (or conductive) yarn and being the newbie A-Team on the committee. Last year, when an interest group was formed under the D-70 Committee to debate standards for embroidered e-textiles, they considered many potential standards topics but landed on a design standard. They chose the design standard because, after reviewing IPC-8952, they were able to make many con- nections between design requirements for printed electronics and embroidery, as they are both additive manufacturing processes. As a result of their work, the TAEC earlier this year approved the formation of a new task group to begin work on IPC-8953, Design Standard for Embroidered E-Textiles. Similar to IPC-8952, this standard will establish design requirements for embroidered e-textiles. Soon after the approval of the project, the task group chair, Melanie Hoerr of ZSK Tech- nical Embroidery Systems (Krefeld, Germany), formed EmbrEos to begin the development of this new draft standard. Printed board assembly embroidered into e-textile system. (Source: ZSK Technical Embroidery Systems) Ready to lead the EmbrEos: Melanie Hoerr. How You Can Get Involved From just one A-Team, so many IPC e-textiles standards projects have popped up, and the committee expects additional projects ahead. We need volunteers to form new groups and A-Teams on topics that include high-voltage applications, automotive, and load measure- ments for athletics, among others. If your company is involved with e-textiles technologies, consider joining one of these A-Teams. If you have an overall interest in the technology, consider joining the task groups for these A-Teams. Those task groups are always looking for perspectives from others in the greater electronics industry, and you will have the opportunity to weigh in on the draft stan- dards through IPC's commenting process. Visit the IPC E-Textiles Initiative Website Many of our A-Team members and their col- leagues have created brief educational videos about e-textiles materials, manufacture, and reliability, available on demand. A-Teams are supported by dozens of volun- teers from around the world. Click on "A-Team Member You Should Know," where we periodi- cally post member profiles. If you have interest in joining these efforts or learning more about how IPC is working with the E-Textiles Committee to build electronics better, contact ChrisJorgensen@ipc.org. Access the IPC E-Textiles website here.

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