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20 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JANUARY 2024 tage because the machine is very simple to be programmed with embedded performance. A large fabricator also benefits because the expe- rience of all the plants goes into the same neu- ral networks. e experience you're doing in India will be available for the team in Germany. e experience you're doing in Mexico will be available for the team in India. e complete system gives much better detectability at a much lower cost. This is translated to a ver y shor t return on investment. Having total A I, you do not have a limit on what you want to inspect. If you get the board with some mechanical parts and nothing to do with electronic parts, you can learn and detect them easily. If you get the screws, mechani- cal items, glue, what- ever you have—you teach and it learns and inspects, and you get the results. Can this system be adopted to be an inline system in that it will control your prior processes and adjust to prevent ongoing defects? Yes, the machine is designed for line produc- tion, and it's designed to have predictive capa- bilities in the very near future. Our end solu- tion is not to be the best one in detection. Once you detect, you already have an error and it's too late. We work opposite of the oth- ers. We do not analyze the window to discover the error; we analyze the window to under- stand the whole process and its characteris- tics. We do not simply analyze the 3D informa- tion or X-Y-Z information, we analyze every- thing. Is this solder joint perfect? Yes, it's per- fect. But based on the characteristics of what we see, it's not the nicest solder joint. It's a perfect shape, but it's a cold solder joint. Or per- haps the solder joint is perfect but it's slightly different from the same solder joint of the pre- vious board. Of course, if this happens once, twice, or three times these deviations will become an error at the end of the life. You get to step back and say, "e joint has a problem. What is the problem?" is is the advantage of neural networks. T h e s y s t e m k n o w s w h a t ' s g o i n g o n and that ever ything changing is related to a sp ec if ic prob lem . It's becoming the first sustainable A I tech- nology in the market because, rather than arriving with 10 errors at the end of the line on a board, there will be only one or two. Eight f e w e r e r r o r s m e a n more good boards. It means less CO 2 and less power wasted. It means fewer compo- nents wasted, and so on. is is a huge cost savings. We have done the calculation for some customers. e return on investment on a machine like this could be in the range of 10 to 20 days. Let's talk about service contracts. That's obviously something that people must take into consideration as a cost of ownership. Where are you in that space? We can offer very different service contracts. is is a machine that, in terms of hardware, has been designed to be high-end quality. So, we are not worried about the real maintenance of the machine, which is reduced to very few things. e filters and the machine must be

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