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JANUARY 2024 I SMT007 MAGAZINE 21 cleaned, but little else. e most important part of this machine is the soware. Basically, these machines can all be remotely driven. Customers can give us access to do contin- uous upgrades, or they can give us access to their server to receive the soware and then they do the upgrade inside. Once you buy the machine, everything is done on soware, so it is the soware that, for example, automatically calibrates everything. e only thing you need to do is clean the machine occasionally for fil- ters or lenses. Where's the reference data for the components coming from initially? We have built the whole library internally and we give it to the customer; it's a very complete library. What could be missing are very partic- ular odd-shaped components, or very partic- ular new, high-end technology components. We give you a training manager tool, so if you have your secret or specific components, you do not need to share this information with us. You have the tool and the machine, you learn the component, and put it back in your library. Typically, if you learn something new, the neural network will forget what it learned in the past. What we created is a very par- ticular soware, very high end that allows you to learn something new without for- getting the past. You can take whatever is in the past and keep on adding new information which will not overwrite what was available before, so you have that history. Process benchmarking is important, and it sounds like this tool will be very helpful in benchmarking processes and creating a digital factory as we move into the digital factory era.

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