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22 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JANUARY 2024 Yes, and we are not even talking about Industry 4.0. We are far beyond that. You get a machine that has all the information about your pro- cess. You simply need to understand the infor- mation you want to use. That will be the challenge because it's an overwhelming amount of data. Absolutely. It's a huge amount of data, but we have created a totally open system. We do not want it to become a problem for the customer, who has the option to understand and select whatever they want. ey can use the qual- ity management tool internally to understand that you can analyze every single point of the board, every single component. AI gives you huge advantages. You can check the quality of the pins of the com- ponents, the quality of the process, or the quality of each machine in the pro- cess. You can even check the qual- ity of the environment—like if there's too much dust on the board. It's really a huge amount of information. We have succeeded in giving the customer everything. So, it depends on where you want to focus. Typically, you try to understand the number of errors and s a y, " To d a y w e g o t 2 , 0 0 0 e r r o r s ; w h a t is the most recur- r e n t o n e ? O k a y, the most recurrent e r r o r i s t h i s o n e . W h a t c a u s e d t h i s error?" You can go back- ward and say that a spe- cific error was caused by this particular supplier who supplied me with t h e s e c o m p o n e n t s that are low in quality. en you decide to change or talk to the supplier. You can really learn and continuously improve your quality process. It won't be just limited to components. It will be the amount of flux on the board or solder paste or whatever. It can also be related to the fact that you're not maintaining your oven, for example. If you inspect the board and suddenly start to see drops of flux, you might ask why it's happening so frequently in these shis or this amount of time. Perhaps rather than doing maintenance to the oven every month, you must do main- tenance every 20 days. You can really detect everything. It's a process diagnostic tool, a pre- ventive process diagnostic tool. So, you wind up with predictive engi- neering. Are there any final thoughts you would like to share with the industry about this? When we created this company it wasn't about creating a new machine but to create a new technology. is is a new generation of AOI, a new concept of inspection. I cannot say if it's better than others because this is a deci- sion made by the customer, but for sure, this is a system that opens the future of qual- ity management inside facto- ries. It is a step that needs to be taken. We need to be coura- geous and take this step because this will change the future. is is a fact. If we want to be sustainable in such a market, we must not only catch errors, we must avoid them in the first place. e only way is to become predictive. Well, thank you for your time today. ank you. SMT007