PCB007 Magazine


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Page 55 of 95

56 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JANUARY 2024 Figure 3: Analytical sequences and elements of LoC & LoPCB: a) Sample analytical sequence using electro- phoresis; b) Flip-chip bonded to a flexible PCB with glass structure using photo-defined solder mask (PDMS); c) Sequence using micro-channels for micro-LC/MS of medical samples; d) Reference electrode (P-MOS), Bio-FET, construction of plated Ag/AgCl on copper; e) Agilent Nano LabChip used for medical analysis; f) Agilent Technologies has been involved in life sciences since 2001 after spin-off from HP 1 . Figure 4: LoPCB components: a–c) DNA sensors and heater on a PCB; d) Fabrication of fluidic channels and sensors/activators; e) Performance and illustration of lactose and glucose PCB plated sensors; f) Flexible PCB sensors 2 .

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