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42 SMT007 MAGAZINE I FEBRUARY 2024 e New Strategic Selling , Robert Miller and Stephen Heiman outline archetypes that help with qualifying. e idea is not necessarily to disqualify a prospect but rather to learn what motivates the buyer so you can reach a mutually benefi- cial solution. B2B transactions can be rather large and complex. e authors define it as having one or more of the following elements in place 1 : • e buying organization has multiple options • e selling organization has multiple options • In both organizations, numerous levels of responsibility are involved • e buying organization's decision- making process is complex, meaning that it is seldom self-evident to an outsider e next set of categories zeroes in on the roles and motivations of the multiple decision- makers in your prospective customer's organi- zation. Types of Buyer Roles • Economic: Gives final approval to buy. e economic buyer can override every- one else's recommendations. If you don't have the support of the economic decision-maker, you don't have the sale. • User: Speaks of the impact your service will have on doing their job. ere may be several people in these roles. • Technical: Focus on the service itself and how well it meets objective specifications. Technical buyers don't have the authority to say yes, but they do have the power to say no with finality. ere may be several people in this role as well. • Coach: Guides you to your sales objec- tive by providing the information needed to strike the right position with each buyer role. Miller and Heiman make it clear that coaches provide a map that guides you to the buying influences for your customer. Coaches may be inside or outside the organization.

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