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14 PCB007 MAGAZINE I FEBRUARY 2024 day and Wednesday of the conference, cov- ering every topic that has just been discussed here, some of which will overlap into advanced packaging and/or EV. Matties: Do you review the papers as they are received, or are they batched at the end? Rak: We follow a process. As Julia mentioned, we begin by reviewing the abstracts, and if the abstract seems to be the right fit for the con- ference, we invite the authors to submit their papers. Aer the papers are reviewed, we pro- vide feedback to the contributors. In most cases, it's minor and eas- ily addressed, but if sub- stantial effort is required to address questions and feedback, the author must decide whether to invest additional time in pursuing paper presen- tation. It's usually pretty clear how things are going along the way. ere gener- ally aren't surprises. Matties: Another big issue for fabricators has been finding and maintaining a qualified workforce. Can a fabricator expect to find solutions to these types of business challenges at IPC APEX EXPO? Gumminger: is would be something more likely to be addressed within the Professional Development Courses, but maybe not overtly. We try to ensure that the courses represent the diversity of topics attendees might be inter- ested in to build their technical and profes- sional skills. David Bergman and I work to ensure a balance of different topics and experi- ence levels, whether the participant is a begin- ner or advanced in their part of the indus- try. We try to be conscious of filling technical knowledge gaps across the supply chain, offer opportunities for attendees to up-skill, and feature timely topics, such as sustainability. Rak: ere are four approaches a fabricator should consider when coming to the show to get access to the information they may need. First, there are the Professional Development Courses. Second, there are technical confer- ence talks on pretty much all aspects of the PCB fabrication process, from material selec- tion to surface finishes to the etching of cop- per and the creation of vias. I strongly encour- age attendees to approach authors aerward to ask questions, get further information, or set up a meeting for future discussion. ird, we have exhibits with experts in all areas of the PCB manufacturing pro- cess who are answering ques- tions and providing infor- mation at their booths. Finally, there are the standards committee meetings with a col- lection of experts and good opportunities for networking. e net- working opportunities and potential for informa- tion on tangential topics that may not be covered specifically in the formal program are very impor- tant as well. So, there are multiple opportunities for any- one to get the information they seek at the conference. I recommend fabricators utilize all of them to maximize their time and invest- ment in the show. Gumminger: It is important to note that the standards development committees look at the papers from the conference and some- times use them as reference materials in devel- oping updates or creating new standards. Rak: is is certainly the case. A high-quality technical paper presented at the conference could end up being referenced to or serve as a basis for a future standard. If you want to aid the industry in making the right choices about standards, you could present a technical paper There are multiple opportunities for anyone to get the information they seek at the conference.