PCB007 Magazine


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82 PCB007 MAGAZINE I FEBRUARY 2024 ardous fluids contained in a very controlled way. It can be really difficult to always meet the demand from customers within the con- straints they have. ey understand the con- straints, so is this just a challenge from them? I want to see where we can present solutions and value to the customer. It's not like every- one has an extra $500,000 to build a room for a new machine. I think you're keying in on something because it's a challenge when there's a need to up-grade at brownfield sites. Travis, overall, what should fabricators be paying attention to today? Travis Houchin: ey should be paying atten- tion to current trends in the market and know- ing what's best for your customer's future. Also, look at how new technology and equip- ment can improve or add capabilities to your manufacturing. I think that's key. Specifically for fabricators, pay attention to manufactur- ing and future trends to ensure you're always up to date on any new technology and what's out there. I am curious how often AI comes up in your conversations with customers. Houchin: Maybe 20–30%. We're certainly going to be experiencing some fast-com- ing changes in technology. However, it's still unknown exactly how it will best be used. I've noticed it comes up more in conversations around our equipment, but it's still pretty new to be a focused topic of conversation. It will be a part of our lives. As we learn more about how it can help us, it will definitely be available and widely used. Right now, it can be a competitive advantage. IPS Autoloader.

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